Well, not quite a surprise, but today was the day we got our BFP (big fat positive) :) Actually, our 3rd one... but we didn't count the first two.

We decided to tell my parents that night. We gave them a present that "I forgot under the tree" Christmas day. On the outside it said "To Mom & Dad from Mark & Kerri" On the inside it said "Actually to grandma and grandpa from Number 7" Mom got it right away... burst into sobs immediately when dad read the label out loud. We put a copy of this picture on the inside of the box. Dad was a little bit slower to catch on. Kristin even had to say "Nonono, dad not me..." but once he figured it out that I was pregnant he was so excited. I don't know how many times he told me how pleased he was that night, but the look on his face was completely priceless and one that I will never forget. Pure joy.
On Christmas day we saw that magic second line we had been waiting since August for... but after our dreams were crushed quickly back in September, Mark quickly made it clear we weren't getting excited about this one (yet). I woke him around 4 am to get his opinion on the lines. He agreed there were two, but gruffly/tiredly stated "don't get your hopes up" and turned back over into bed.
We went ahead and hosted our first Christmas dinner. I was so proud of how my table looked and how dinner was soooo successful! I loved every moment of it, but I was super anxious the whole night, and my stomach was doing flips and turns like CRAZY. I just figured it was the stress of the day, and listened to my wonderful husband and did not get my hopes up.
When it came down to drinking wine at dinner that night though, he wouldn't let me have a sip... I didn't mind :o) My neices and nephews were so well-behaved and so adorable. I already love them so much, I can only imagine how much I could possibly love a baby of my own!
Around 3:30 that next morning I woke up again (please understand, using the "first morning urine" is the most concentrated, so if that's what time I got up, that's what time the test was taken! The next day I took another one of my 25cent tests (why not... I had like 25 of em?!) Again, two lines. I couldn't believe my eyes, so what else could a scientist girl like me do. I took another test and dipped it in water - see if that second faint line showed up too (it did not - JACKPOT!). So I showed grumpy Mark the test results and he again gave me a not-so-excited response. "we'll see..."
That same night was the night we spent with Mark's family for Christmas. Funny enough, Mark's sister asked me when Mark & I were going to have kids. I just laughed... "eventually." Normally we stay late and hang out for awhile, but Mark was super antsy that night. We had decided that I would take a digital test (one of those ones that say "pregnant" or "not pregnant" on the test area) the next morning. Those type require more HCG hormone in your body to truly diagnose a pregnancy. The whole night Mark was super cuddly and kept whispering to me, "Are we gonna go buy that test when we leave?" "So we're gonna stop at CVS?" "you ready to go now?" and so on...
Sunday morning... BAM :)