Wednesday, April 8, 2015

16 week bump

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 8-9 pounds.  I gained about 5 in first trimester and then quickly put on around 4.  Absolutely STARVING and not as full as I was with the twin pregnancy.  I also have decreased the frequency and intensity of my workouts.  A little frustrating. 
Maternity clothes? I already have 2 pairs of work pants and 1 pair of jeans.  Trish gave me some of her old shirts and Amanda just dropped off a huge bag of her stuff.  Hoping some of it will fit.  Regular shirts are still fitting just fine, but I'm done with regular pants.  I forgot how much I LOVE maternity pants ;-)
Stretch marks? nothing new
Sleep: I'm getting up twice a night to pee.
Movement: none yet.  Everything i think is movement ends up being gas ;-)
Food cravings: swedish fish, nectarines, first trimester I could only eat popcorn, pretzels, butter corn
Foods aversions: yogurt doesn't sound good anymore
Gender:I think we're going to be team green!
Labor Signs:no braxton hicks yet.  Better than last pregnancy so far.
Preggo PITA symptom: I'm cranky and tired
Mood:cranky :) 
Arthritis severity: I had a week in 1st trimester where my arthritis flared.  My knee is killing me today, but otherwise I'm back to being fine
What I miss:impact exercise
Fundal height:no clue
BP this week:fine
Milestones: out of first Tri!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

13 weeks!

This is the first picture of me pregnant our final baby.  It's a singleton pregnancy and is so far going well.  My nausea was much milder than with the girls and my exhaustion has not been as severe.  I joke a lot that "this kid likes me better than the girls did"

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

20 month update

8:15 - wake up
9 - breakfast
12:30- lunch
1:30-3:30 nap
4 - snack
6 - dinner
8:30 - bed

I am still struggling with understanding what the hell "all done" really means. They'll mimic "all done" and then SCREAM for more food. It's getting easier, but seriously... I feel like no one is EVER full.

They are doing great with forks and spoons. Mark's been working very hard with Alexis on taking single bites and putting her food back down to chew and swallow. In the last few weeks this has significantly improved. WTG Mark!

It's somewhat rocky right now. The girls still seem to be having early evening nightmares, and now that they are binky-free, it seems to be more difficult to calm them down (and by "difficult", I mean 2 minutes vs. 10 seconds to retrieve the binky). The number of wakeups are still similar though, so there's no change there.

Both girls know all 26 capital letters
Can identify numbers 1-10
Can count from 1 to 13
Know their basic colors
Know shapes - heart, square, circle, hexagon, star, and triangle

Favorite Toys
Alexis loves to climb. Her newest interest seems to be nurtering her mothering instinct (playing with her babies, stroller, etc).
Reagan likes quiet things like reading. Her newest interest is "getchu" (I'm going to get you!) She loves being chased.
They love running to me and swinging in my arms in the yard.
They love playing with their cars in the yard too. Alexis hates the swings. I pray this improves

Size -
25-26 pounds. Alexis is about 1 pound heavier. They are in size 24 month shirts, 18 month pants (for the most part). They wear size 4 shoes, size 4 daytime and size 5 nighttime diapers

Alexis has all her top teeth except her 2nd year molars. She is missing the lower 2nd year molars and lower canines
Reagan has

ABC, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head Shoulders Knees & Toes, Baby Signing Time, The opposite word song, Mickey Mouse Clubhousee

How Does Elmo Go? NANANA, AUTOWORLD (Alexis)

"Share" now means GIVE IT TO ME NOW :(

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day care

1st visits


Kiddie Kollege

Thursday, July 29, 2010

OB appt.

Well... lost my MP this am...

contractions on monday were 5.5 minutes apart and were making me nauseated and taking my breath away, but I knew I was very dehydrated (again)

Doctor checked my cervix - I'm (barely) closed, 50% effaced and -2 station (much better than I thought... good)

BP was 140/90, recheck 128/88. Definately swollen...

My neck started hurting a few days ago and has become very severe. She gave the okay for tylenol only and asked that my rheumatologist please call her if I need something stronger. I'm just praying this is a pulled muscle and not one of my long standing episodes of severe pain... sadly though, it's keeping me from sleeping.

Apparently, I've been counting how pregnant I am based on our initial ultrasound - we were told my due date was 9/6. She has always said 9/8. I know when I ovulated and I know what I was told... 9/6 so I've been sticking with that... until now. I can only deliver at SJWS if I am 35 weeks or further along (so according to her measurements... AFTER next weds (8/4)

Just before I left the OB's office, she came over, gave me a hug and told me to stay in bed for the next week (until Thursday night)... and if I was still contracting and dilating next Friday, my babies would be born that day. "Bring a bag"
