Thursday, July 29, 2010

OB appt.

Well... lost my MP this am...

contractions on monday were 5.5 minutes apart and were making me nauseated and taking my breath away, but I knew I was very dehydrated (again)

Doctor checked my cervix - I'm (barely) closed, 50% effaced and -2 station (much better than I thought... good)

BP was 140/90, recheck 128/88. Definately swollen...

My neck started hurting a few days ago and has become very severe. She gave the okay for tylenol only and asked that my rheumatologist please call her if I need something stronger. I'm just praying this is a pulled muscle and not one of my long standing episodes of severe pain... sadly though, it's keeping me from sleeping.

Apparently, I've been counting how pregnant I am based on our initial ultrasound - we were told my due date was 9/6. She has always said 9/8. I know when I ovulated and I know what I was told... 9/6 so I've been sticking with that... until now. I can only deliver at SJWS if I am 35 weeks or further along (so according to her measurements... AFTER next weds (8/4)

Just before I left the OB's office, she came over, gave me a hug and told me to stay in bed for the next week (until Thursday night)... and if I was still contracting and dilating next Friday, my babies would be born that day. "Bring a bag"


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