Friday, July 2, 2010

ultrasound update

Today we had another growth scan. This time it was a lot quicker and much less painful!
Baby A is 3 lb 11 oz. 56th percentile! She has plenty of fluid. Heartrate was about 130. She is head down on my left (hasn't really moved)
Baby B is 3 lb 14 oz. 62nd percentile! She also has plenty of fluid. Heartrate was about 146. She is transverse and right... starting to bring her head down - lying next to her sister.

Their heads were very close to each other - 4% growth discrepancy (LOVE that my girls are sharing!!!)
My cervix is closed and 3.5 cm long.

All very good things... The specialist asked if we had any questions

I told him I was in the hospital last week with frequent braxton hicks contractions and wondered if I had anything to be concerned about. He smiled and responded "world peace"

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