How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 27.5 pounds
Maternity clothes? NEED to go shopping... NEED some energy first
Stretch marks? I think there's some lower ones. very light
Sleep: can't get enough.
Movement: God I love feeling those little feet. Nothing painful, but becoming very aware of how big they're getting!
Food cravings: really wanted popcorn this week... finally had some :)
Foods aversions: I tried tortellini today - wasn't very good... got nauseated even
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks have started to back off a little... but after an afternoon cleaning the walls of the pool, things kicked back up (wondering if I might be able to go back to work... the question is FOR how LONG?!) Planning to continue to monitor this...
Preggo PITA symptom: I'm having a hard time sitting and watching the world pass me by. Mark is doing so much to get this house ready and I feel like I'm doing nothing to contribute (besides making two babies... but STILL) I'm just very frustrated with my lack of energy, mobility, and helpfulness. Mark has been so sweet and kind and patient - and it means so much to me to have such a supportive and understanding husband.
Mood: Very crabby today. Some people's low maturity level and selfishness are STRONGLY getting on my nerves. I also HATE it when people don't listen to what their doctors tell them to do and do whatever they want. Just saying...
Arthritis severity: 5 - this is also contributing to my bad mood. My knees hurt and my fingers are starting to swell and get stuck. One of the bones in my left foot is also sore. Just annoying...
What I miss: energy
Fundal height: 37-39 (somewhere in there)
BP this week: 120s/80s i think
Milestones: 31 weeks!!!
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