How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +5 more. Measurements on my belly went up a LOT
Maternity clothes? I probably should buy a tank top or something to put under the shorter tops...
Stretch marks? one. same one. getting darker and feels kinda hard
Sleep: getting worse. Hard to fall asleep due to reflux (have to be near sitting up), hard to stay asleep. Twice this week I threw up acid and woke up choking on it. Getting up to pee every 45 minutes to an hour and a half... I sleep the best between 6am-noon
Movement: I'm starting to feel LESS. Not because they are moving less, but my belly is going numb from all the stretching
Food cravings: not a craving, but pretzels with my water in the evening is helping prevent reflux
Food aversions:
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: did baby A drop or not? I could've sworn she did this past week... but then it felt like she crawled out. LOL - I dunno
Preggo PITA symptom: My "troll feet" per Mark. He just giggles... They are so swollen and can't really move my feet much any moore. Can't even reach them to get them clean. Ew, right?
Mood: Moody. Crabby some moments and sobbing others. VERY rough week. I'm very uncomfortable. The easiest way to set off my temper at this point is me (or mark) dropping something on the floor. It is SO HARD to pick things up
Arthritis severity: No change from last week. Swollen fingers, triggers...
What I miss: my ankles, fruit, ice cream
Fundal height: 43
BP this week: 120s/80s Seems to be holding steady
Milestones: 34 weeks!!! My babies can suck, swallow and breathe now and that's AWESOME! Next goal 35! (so we can deliver at westshore with my OB. I'd really like to make it to 36 weeks so I don't have to worry about either of the girls getting transferred to UH though)
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