How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 6 pounds this week?! my swelling started and hasn't gone away in the last week. I'm assuming most of the gain has been fluid related and honestly am a little worried about it... will report this to my OB this week
Maternity clothes? Had to buy a few size-up tops this week. Honestly, I don't think they're going to cover the belly very long either! UGH!
Stretch marks? no change
Sleep: no change
Movement: My darling baby A got hiccups this week too. So glad my girls are sharing the adorable-ness :)
Food cravings: ramen noodles (but planning to cut them out for the sake of the swelling problem)
Food aversions: its not really an aversion, but I'm dying for a piece of fruit... something that won't give me heartburn - so actually... none will have to do :*(
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: contractions are status quo. no pain. good days and bad days
Mood: tearful week. Mark has been very supportive. Usually just his listening to me and a strong hug is all i need to calm me down
Arthritis severity: My hands aren't puffy, but the joints on a few of my fingers are so large I've stopped being able to wear my wedding rings. I have two trigger fingers that are quite painful - 7 (I only give them a 7 because they could be WORSE). Injections probably to come in the next 2 weeks...
What I miss: my ankles, fruit, ice cream
Fundal height: 40
BP this week: 120s/80s-90 Watching this VERY closely
Milestones: 33 weeks!!! Next goal 34! (really wanna make it to 35/36 though)
Other Mom helped me shop yesterday - we went to Target, Costco, and motherhood maternity and I spent a LOT. I wont have to go back for awhile though, so am pretty happy about that. SOOO greatful for her help!
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