Friday, July 9, 2010

OB appointment

-Still off of work. contractions are too frequent
-Will be doing my ?final 24 hour urine this week
-BP is great - 117/70s
-Platelets have dropped again - spoke with my rheumatologist... stopping my medication to see if it helps at all. She said it could be the meds, but I could just be having an autoimmune reaction also. Only way to find out would be to d/c my meds and recheck the levels. She can give me pain meds/joint injections if I need them in the meantime.
-cervix is closed
-she did another FFN test
-As of right now, I'm on the way to a c-section (baby B is transverse). She will schedule it 2 weeks before - I will be 38 weeks when she does it. It is so nice to know there's an end in sight...
-I start non-stress tests at the hospital next friday - to be done weekly until I deliver

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