How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds - ugh! I'm actually right on track with twin weight gain - and my arms and face seem a little skinnier than pre-pregnancy, but still, 30 pounds is a lot to lug around!
Maternity clothes? haven't gone shopping... just doing laundry more frequently. call me lazy. call me cheap. (its really just tired)
Stretch marks? yup... lower ones. Can't see them in a photo, but with a strong mirror, there's no denying it anymore
Sleep: no change
Movement: OMG, Tuesday night I laid down in bed next to Mark and felt rhythmic movement on my right side. Baby B had hiccups!!! It was the most adorable feeling in the world. Mark got to feel her (but of course made me look up in-utero hiccups on my phone to be sure that was really even possible first). We even pulled out the doppler and you could HEAR the hiccups (and a normal heartbeat) on the monitor. SO CUTE!!!
Food cravings: I've been starving this week! (hence the weight gain)
Food aversions: I'm done with ice cream until the pregnancy is over... zantac doesn't prevent it from coming back up. bummer :(
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: had contractions every 6 minutes on weds. night. I doubt I'm gonna get to go back to work. They finally let up after a long night's sleep, but also not until after I drank 2 LITERS of water... oi!
Preggo PITA symptom: contractions are getting old... and actually are a little more painful lately
Mood: it was VERY hard saying goodbye to my dear sister and her kids last night. I hate that they live so far away
Arthritis severity: my hands are about a 5-6. knee pain severity varies
What I miss: I'm so SLOW at getting anything done
Fundal height: 39
BP this week: 117/70ish
Milestones: 32 weeks!!! Next goal 34!
Other Made huge progress this week on the house. Mark cleaned out the basement, Kristin emptied out the babies' room closet, and Mark and I spent most of the weekend working on the debris left in the office. The garbage man is going to HATE us tomorrow!!
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