Friday, January 22, 2010

First doctor appointment

Our first OB appt. was kind of a disappointment. Not because I wasn't pregnant anymore, but because she didn't do an ultrasound. I am fully aware that it's not customary to do an ultrasound at a first appointment, but I was still really hoping for one. We purposely waited until I was 7 weeks 5 days pregnant to see the doc so hopefully we would have something to actually see on the ultrasound. Due to my connective tissue disease, she did order an ultrasound and told us we could go any time in the next 4 weeks. She answered lots and lots of our questions and gave a LOT of (much needed) piece of mind.

At this point I was still convinced that there was something wrong... I was frequently getting some rough right sided pain. As a medical professional, I was doing my best to talk myself out of any terrible problem I could come up with. I was pretty convinced at that point that the pregnancy was ectopic, but was reassured daily that if my tube hadn't burst by now, we would know quite soon! I know, I know... I'm my worst nightmare.

We planned on telling Mark's side of the family that night, and decided that even though we didn't get to see our little one at our appointment, we couldn't wait any longer!!! I felt so terrible that they had to wait 3 weeks longer to hear our news, but we both knew his mom would be so excited that the entire world would know within moments of telling her our news. Man were we right! We went out to dinner at Weymouth country club for Mark's birthday that night with his parents, his sister & bro-in-law and both sets of grandparents. Mark gave Dave and his mom a valentines card for "grandma & grandpa." His mom asked if he was kidding. No Mom, No joke! So she immediately starting text messaging all her friends that we were pregnant. No joke, the entire world knew within an hour... His sister Kelly cried and was so excited for us. I am so honored to have such wonderful in-laws. They're gonna be so great with this baby!

1 comment:

  1. let me add that she actually texted her friends that "Mark & Kelly" were pregnant... not "Mark & Kerri" OOPS
