Friday, January 29, 2010


Okay, my other post was getting long, so here's the specifics about the twins...

monochorionic - 1 chorion or placenta
diamniotic - 2 amnions or 2 sacks - 1 for each baby
2 babies
2 yolk sacks
2 HAPPY/SCARED parents
a.k.a. mono-di (pronounced mono-dye)
They are identical twins :)

One fertilized egg that split quite early on

I called my brother to tell him that everything was fine but slipped. He asked me if the baby was happy & healthy. I responded that I couldn't tell if they were happy, but all looked well. "THEY?" I didn't wanna spill to the siblings before we told our parents, but oopsy :)

We told my mom over dinner... showed her the pictures and through teary eyes she noticed the two babies... "two?!" she cried... It took us a few hours to get ahold of dad, but he was equally thrilled.

Mark told his dad over the phone. He goes to bed early, but we didn't wanna wait to tell him the HUGE news in person.

We then (exhaustedly) headed out to Parma to show mark's mom and dave. We showed her the picture... "What's A and B?" You could tell they were equally excited, but MUCH more shocked. His mom was the quietest I've ever seen/heard her! But today I got the coolest text message from her...
"The other day my chinese horoscope said i would fall in luv unexpectedly & i thought i better not... but i realized what it meant & i did fall in love last night"

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