Thursday, January 28, 2010

seeing double

As I noted in prior posts, I felt like something was wrong with this pregnancy and I was pretty vocal about it. After some discussion, we decided to get the ultrasound on the earlier side rather than later so we could sleep a little easier at night. I scheduled our ultrasound at the hospital at 4 pm. This was the magic "bladder buster" type of ultrasound. By the time we got there at 3:40, I was already doing the peepee dance like crazy. Thank GOD they were on time!

We started with an abdominal ultrasound. I was laying down on the bed in a position that kept me from seeing ANYTHING on the screen, which was super frustrating. So I had the joy of spending the next long few minutes reading the looks on the tech & my dear husband's face. First of all, the girl kept going back and forth with the U/S (ultrasound) wand. Over and Over. She had this crazy puzzled look on her face. Finally, I start asking questions...

Okay, maybe its ectopic... "Is there a baby in there?" "yep"
Okay, maybe baby's not okay... "baby looks okay?" "yep, there's a heartbeat" (I started crying at this point and thanked God out loud)
How many are in there?... "so far i can see one, but we're gonna do a transvaginal u/s to get a better view" "okay"
Still, the looks don't look good... "See any fibroids in there?" "nope, looks good"

So, I finally got the okay to empty my bladder, and when I came back Mark tells me he thinks there are two in there. "No hunny, don't worry. You're just seeing the yolk sack and the baby"

I cannot believe Mark kept his mouth shut throughout the transvaginal ultrasound!!! He just held and squeezed my hand. Finally, she turned the screen to me and said "this is what we're looking at here"... "There are two babies in here" as she pointed to them each on the screen. I just cried. We were so happy.

Our first baby pics:

Baby A Baby B

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