Sunday, February 7, 2010


We went to church today for some additional peace of mind and to tell Father John our news. He was SOOO excited and even suggested that we name one of the babies John... Actually, if we didn't name one of the babies John, he promised to "accidentally" change their middle names to John during the baptism.

During his sermon, his overwhelming message of "trusting God" was repeated so many times that I spent most of mass crying. It was exactly what I needed to hear as a scared new mommy with so many risks running through my head. My eyes teared up throughout the communion song "be not afraid." Being there gave me the peace I'd been looking for.

When we told Father John about our twins, he immediately blessed both of us as parents and blessed my uterus. I thought Mark would find it cheesy, but even days later, he's remarked "I'm so glad Father John blessed you."

Me too.

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