Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wipe out!

I woke up this morning feeling like absolute CRAP. The nausea, which I thought was starting to subside (a little), has taken a huge turn for worse. Even taking a shower, which often makes me feel a little bit better, was horrible. I had to stop and rest multiple times while getting ready to prepare myself to puke... thinking that maybe if I did finally puke, for once I might actually feel better.

I finally got the guts to brush my teeth and BAM, vomit (well, water) everywhere... At that point I was running so behind I actually called work to say I'd be running late because I felt so crappy. Packing my lunch (as usual) was torture. As I climbed into the car, I continued to battle horrible nausea and considered just calling off. Driving down lear nagle road was a slow process, and I spent every moment of that long road trying to convince myself to suck it up, call off and go back home. The thought of calling off work today seems silly. What if the nausea gets worse tomorrow?! Am I gonna spend the rest of my days home when I should be saving these days for Maternity leave? So I trudged along. I almost turned around at the gas station before I got on the highway, but continued on... Finally, as I pulled onto 480, I said out loud "Kerri, you are committed now. You are going to work"

Yesterday was super icy and Mark even called me to warn me that the parking lots were icy and to be super careful. (awww... how sweet). Today was much better. It was already 8:45 and I'm sure my first patient was probably waiting for me... I grabbed my bags and started my trek into the building. Suddenly, I was front-first and flat on the ground.

I burst into tears. "Are you F*ING kidding me?!" I was covered in muddy water from my arm straight down to my knee - all along my right side and front. I have NEVER fallen at work and of all FREAKING times in my life... it has to be when I'm pregnant with TWINS?! I got into work and immediately called Mark and the OB's office - they told me to come in right away. My boss let me go right away.

Mark met me at the OB's office... she tried to find the heartbeat(s) and could only be certain of one... so we got a quick sneak peak at our babies with an abdominal ultrasound... except the equipment was so old we could only be certain of one baby at a time (were we looking at the same one?) so we got a transvaginal ultrasound and got to see both babies and their beating hearts :) What a huge relief. (after a very scary morning)

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