Friday, April 2, 2010

Boys vs. Girls?!

(We are currently 17w5d along)
I've thought about this a lot... considering we get asked it so frequently! Of course we want healthy (big) babies who stay cooking for as LONG as possible, but since our big ultrasound is JUST around the corner, I thought I'd visit this topic again... thought it would be fun to examine the old wives' tales one more time.

#1 Heart rate:
Heart rate over 140 = girls
Heart rate under 140 = boys

Babies have been close to, or consistently over 140... 170 at the 8w ultrasound and 148 & 157 at the 12w ultrasound. On the doppler at home they were between 138-148 the last time we sat down and officially counted. It usually reads over 140 if I listen long enough (or if they stay still long enough to actually capture the heartbeats)
Let's give GIRLS a point
Girls: 1 Boys: 0

Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly. You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it's a boy if it swings in a circle

Let's give GIRLS a point for that one (although it swung, when i told mark the meaning of the results, he started whipping it around in a
Girls: 2 Boys: 0

Key test: If you pick up a key at the top (the roundest part), its a boy. If you pick up a key at the bottom (smallest part), you are going to have a girl. I grabbed the end. Another point for GIRLS
Girls: 3 Boys :0

Mayan tale: Add up the mother's age at conception (29) and the year of conception (2009). Even number = girl, Odd number = boy. 2038 = GIRL
Girls:4 Boys:0

If you have acne when you are pregnant, it's a girl (extra hormones?)
Here's my take on this one... if I forget to wash my face before bed... I'll get a single zit that goes away pretty quickly. My face doesn't look like a teenager's, nor does it look any worse than it did before I was pregnant. I'm NOT going to call this "acne" and vote for BOYS on this one
Girls:4 Boys:1

#6 Cravings
More salty: Boys, More sweet: Girls
Originally, the only food I could keep down were sweets, but now that my nausea is gone, I ADORE salty pretzels, especially soft pretzels. I definately would much rather have something salty then something sweet! Voting BOYS on this one too
Girls:4 Boys:2

#7 Garlic
If a woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell doesn't seep out her pores, its a girl... if it does, it's a boy. I REFUSE to eat a clove of garlic, but when I eat garlic... the entire world apparently knows... Voting BOYS here
Girls:4 Boys:3

#8 Skin under left eye
The eye test is when a "V" or "branches" appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a "V" or "branches" in the white part, you are having a girl. Mark says he sees branches. Voting GIRLS here
Girls:5 Boys:3

#9 Legs
If your legs get big, it's a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, its a girl. Earlier today I thought my legs looked "fatter" They may have already been fat, but I find it weird that I noticed it today... Voting BOYS here
Girls: 5 Boys:4

#10 Moodiness
Increased hormones from a girl makes you more moody. And apparently having a penis inside you makes a girl less moody (ew, funny, but gross).
I'm a moody girl to begin with, and although there have been a few moments of frustration with work where I lost it, in general I am actually LESS moody than I was pre-baby. Voting BOYS here.
Girls: 5 Boys:5

Eating the ends of bread = boy, Eating the middle of the loaf = girl. I've never ever eaten the ends. Voting GIRLS here.
Girls:6 Boys:5

#12 Chinese gender predictor
States its a GIRL(s)
Girls:7 Boys:5

#13 Beauty
If you are having a girl, your beauty disappears during pregnancy because your little girl steals your beauty from you. Well, this makes complete sense because if there are two girls in there... this is why I feel completely butt UGLY lately :) Voting GIRLS
Girls:8 Boys:5

#14 Dreams
Your dreams about the baby will be the opposite of what the baby actually is. I've only had two dreams so far about the babies, and in both they were boys. Voting GIRLS
Girls:9 Boys:5

#15 Clumsy/Grace
Graceful pregnancy = girls, Clumsy pregnancy = boy
After the spill I had in February... voting BOYS
Girls:9 Boys:6

#16 Preferred resting side
Preferring the right = Girl, Preferring the left = Boy
I seem to favor my right = GIRLS
Girls:10 Boys:6

#17 Show your hands
Apparently, showing hands palms up = GIRLS, hands palms down = BOYS
I've always been a "palms up" kinda girl... the scars on the back of my right hand aren't pretty
Voting GIRLS
Girls:11 Boys:6

#18 Dad's weight
If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it's a girl. If he loses or stays the same its a boy. Mark's put on a few pounds the last few months - Voting GIRL
Girls:12 Boys:6

#19 Necklace over hand
If it swings back and forth, it's a boy. If it circles, its a girl. It swung again - Voting BOYS
Girls:12 Boys:7

#20 Mom's hunch
According to the web-site I'm using... 71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she's having. I'm pretty certain we're having boys... we'll find out soon! Voting BOYS
Girls:12 Boys:8

#21 Morning Sickness
Smooth pregnancy, no morning sickness = boy. Sick or nauseated during pregnancy = girl.
OH MY GOODNESS THEY ARE GIRLS THEN! I was nauseated from week 6 through week 14... so GLAD it's over! Voting for GIRLS
Girls:13 Boys:8

#22 Protein
When a woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy. I heart cheese. not craving meat though. hmmmm. I'm gonna vote neither.

#23 Feet
If your feet are colder now that you are pregnant, it's a boy. If they're the same as they were, its a girl. Voting GIRLS - same
Girls:14 Boys: 8

Its a boob question - I'm not going to elaborate for the sake of whomever might end up reading this, but the Vote goes to BOYS
Girls:14 Boys:9

#25 Hairy legs
Apparently having hairy legs means it's going to be a boy. Voting BOYS
Girls:14 Boys:10

#26 Dry hands
Dry hands = boys. Voring GIRLS
Girls:15 Boys:10

#27 Color of your pee
Seriously, I'm just starting to get VERY tired now... this all has to do with your hydration status... not the sex of the babies. Come on people!!! No vote... this changes for me FREQUENTLY

#28 Nose
A wider nose = boy. Nopers - Vote goes to GIRLS
Girls:16 Boys:10

#29 Headaches
Headaches = boy. My headaches are almost daily at this point. Vote goes to BOYS
Girls:16 Boys:11

Well, its fun to play, and only a few days until we find out!!!

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