Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's a girl!!!

Today was our big anatomy ultrasound!!! I am sooooooooooo completely exhausted and will post pics tomorrow. They are BEAUTIFUL! They look fantastic! Their weights are fantastic

Baby B continues to move around like CRAZY (the doctor who came in called her "nasty")and Baby A seems very laid back! (we got lots more pics of A)
Heart rates were in the 130s.
Baby A is 9 oz and Baby B is 8 oz. 6% growth discrepancy between the two
My cervix looks great
The doctor reviewed everything that was done and in his very thick accent and a very serious tone he "proclaimed his happiness" and left :)
All FANTASTIC things

And most importantly - they are LITTLE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!!!!

Mark already has claimed to be going out to get his shotgun for their boyfriends...

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