Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day! 2010

Today is my "1st" mother's day or pre-mother's day... I guess you could already consider me a mother. I am always worried and concerned about my babies, their safety and well-being... and I am SOOOOOOOO in love with them!!!

So I am excited that today is mother's day and all, but I truly didn't expect to get a gift from Mark (or my children) today... but I did (and he did really well... made me cry) A beautiful precious moments figuring to add to my collection

Surprise! His mother/step-dad also got me a present for mother's day (which also made me cry)... actually anyone who wished me a "happy mother's day" made me cry... including the clerk at babies r us. Here is the figurine they got me:

and the beautiful card:

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