How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Steady gain, but I don't feel like I'm growing. Starting to worry me actually... but the babies are kicking harder and more frequently, so maybe they are growing and I'm not
Maternity clothes? Mostly... I can still fit in XL tshirts, but I only have a few of those to work with. I haven't worn all my "work" business casual shirts yet... I still think they just make me look like a fat chick with a belly, not pregnant
Stretch marks? nope :)
Sleep: When I AM asleep its good... no problems at all. But I've been drinking tons of water throughout the night because it's getting warmer out... so I'm up every 1-1/2 hours to pee. I'm so lucky I fall back asleep so easily
Movement: !!! Lots. Nothing uncomfortable. They are just sweet little nudgers... and they are all over the place. If I ever get worried they aren't moving enough, it only take a few minutes for me to get nudged again. So much LESS of a worried momma here
Food cravings: still really rocking the cheese :) (I'm gonna miss the amount of cheese I can eat when I'm not pregnant anymore... ugh WEIGHT WATCHERS)
Foods aversions: chocolate. cinnamon. but ice cream is officially off the list! (had it twice this week)
Gender: two little GIRLS :)
Labor Signs: Well, whatever I have called "braxton hicks" (BH) before was perhaps just growing pains, because I felt something much stronger (but still not painful, and still ALL belly HARDNESS) Friday and Saturday nights. Made me wanna sit down. Friday's hardness was EVENTUALLY relieved with gallons of water (it was hot friday, I didn't drink enough water... and ate tons of salty foods - MUHR). I spent every hour of Friday night drinking a glass per hour, peeing, then waking up the next hour to do it again. I never want that to happen again. Trying to be proactive from now on... and hoping not to see any cervical changes on my U/S on Friday. Then will know they were BHs or yet again... growing pains (hopefully not really labor progression)
Preggo PITA symptom: heartburn is a lot better this week! I wonder if taking TUMS on the first sign of discomfort has helped it get less out of control... also stopped eating in the middle of the night which helped IMMENSELY. I had a couple episodes of nausea this week, but they didn't last long
Mood: kinda down this week. Lots of tears, but one very supportive, good listening husband. It's just that there is so much to do, so little time and Mark's bathroom project is taking forever (it's going to look fantastic and he's doing a beautiful, PERFECT job on it... but after 3 trips to lowe's in one day and yet another forgotten part, I burst into tears on Thursday - claiming we'd never have anything ready for these babies.
Arthritis severity: 2. not bad!
What I miss: I really could've enjoyed a rum & diet this week on my tearful day to help me relax. I would NEVER do that... but it still sounded really good.
Fundal height: ?
BP this week: 120/70
Milestones: Mark felt a kick on Friday evening!!!
I bought our first toys for the babies at a mom's resale at St. Joes. Great deals and it made me so happy to finally have some more baby-related items in our home. They're coming this summer... whether we are ready or not. This helped my mood a little bit too
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