Saturday, May 8, 2010

Visiting Mason/Preparing for mother's day

Today I went over to visit Becky and Joe and their family including 3 week old baby Mason. OMG is he adorable!!! It was soooooo fantastic to get to hold a new baby. I know that sounds dumb... but the last time I did that, my nephew Ricky (who is now 5? 6? is long gone in my mind...) They asked me to burp him, and I looked like a giant moron... YES, I know how to burp a child, but apparantly am too gentle (and was seriously scared to dislodge one of his tiny little bones or eyeballs by hitting him too hard...) (sorry no pictures...)

Becky also gave me a giant BOX of her maternity clothes and I am soooooooooo ever greatful to her for generosity in sharing with me! I remember how much I hated hand-me-downs as a kid... who knew how much I would ADORE them as an adult!!!

Today I also spent the day preparing gifts for Mark's and my mother for mother's day... I figured I could give them pictures of their new granddaughters in a nice frame, but ended up having way more fun dressing up the frames... and even made one for the girls for their room (that matches their new bedding... still need to add the matching bow, but you'll get the point)

For Grandma L. (my mom)

For Granny S. (his mom)

For the girls' room

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