Friday, May 7, 2010


Today we had our 22 week 4 day growth scan...
Again... babies look fantastic (love my girls - and yes... confirmed again. girls!)
Cervix is closed and 3.7 cm

Baby A

SIZE: 1 lb. 3 oz - 43% on the growth curve. (showing to be RIGHT ON on the twins growth expectancy chart for 23 weeks)
POSITION: Baby A is lying cephalic (head down and on my left)

Baby B

SIZE: 1 lb. 5 oz - 50% on the growth curve (showing to be 1 week ahead on my chart!)
POSITION: upper transverse. She is lying across my upper belly... head on the upper right

Baby A's butt is in Baby B's face... nice going ladies
In the first picture above... you can see the other baby's spine in the background - pretty sweet!

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