Sunday, June 13, 2010

28 week bump

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? some of my shirts are too short. ugh
Stretch marks? Mark pointed out a stretch mark below my belly button today... I haven't looked at it yet... can't bear to check
Sleep: good days and bad days. I'm up frequently but fall right back asleep. I noticed I haven't slept in in weeks... I can't!
Movement: boy are they getting strong! My girls are more subtle movers... they kick occasionally, but they seem to roll and move about more subtly otherwise
Food cravings: cheese!!!
Foods aversions: tolerating chocolate better, and ice cream... just in small amounts. We are starting carnation instant breakfast this week because my 1 cup of cereal and banana breakfast is getting to be TOO big to fit in my stomach
Gender: 2 girls - confirmed again by ultrasound
Labor Signs: Thursday I left work due to frequent contractions. They started out every 5 minutes, but let up after I peed, but still continued every 20 minutes. After 2 hours of that, I knew I needed to lay down and drink some water, but couldn't if I was working. I went home and spent the day on the couch drinking water and counting contractions (every 12-32 minutes for another 6 hours) Finally I called the OB's office and they said to call back if there were more than 4/hour. I should "expect to have an irritable uterus" since there are twins in there and expect it to get worse... WORSE?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK LIKE THIS!!!?!!!
Preggo PITA symptom: back pain at the end of my work day. I can make it about 6 hours and then it gets severe quickly
Mood: Pregnancy seems to be agreeing with me. Can't really complain too much
Arthritis severity: 1
What I miss: taking care of my pool. I hate bossing mark around about chemicals and such
Fundal height: 35 cm
BP this week: 116/66 - wow!
Milestones: 28 weeks - we were told that at this point, my babies have a 90% chance of survival outside the womb at this time - what a huge relief... I still want my take-home babies... 9 weeks to go til my goal date -
37 weeks

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