Friday, June 4, 2010

Growth scan update

Today I am 26w4d pregnant. Babies looked great:
Baby A is measuring 2lb 3 oz and in the 55th percentile - she is vertex (head down and 2 my left)

Baby B is measuring 2 lb 6 oz and in the 64th percentile - she is in a weird position - breech/transverse... butt in baby A's face

Cervix is 4 cm and closed.

We had one problem show up on the ultrasound - Baby A has a little over 3 cm of amniotic fluid and Baby B was showing to have approx. 7.5cm. Since their growth discrepancy is only 7%, they told us to come back in 1 week for a recheck of fluid.

I came home from our ultrasound and googled every little bit of info I could on TTTS (twin-twin transfusion syndrome). First good news is, we DONT have it. Definition of stage I is <2cm and >8cm for the other and of course stage V is the worst possible scenario. This is going to be a long week of waiting and praying... will spend much of it on my Left side...

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