Wednesday, June 23, 2010

First trip to the hospital

Last night I went to bed with contractions every 14 minutes. After drinking lots of fluids, I gave up and went to sleep hoping for improvement in the morning. When I woke up, they were every 10 minutes. Standing to shower increased them to every 5 minutes. After 2 hours of contractions every 5-8 minutes, I called the OB and she asked me to come in right away.

She checked my cervix which was closed, did an FFN test, and sent me over to the hospital so they could monitor both babies and my contractions. By the time I got hooked up to the monitor in the hospital, the nurse said my contractions were every 3-4 minutes.

IV fluids were very helpful to slow the contractions (to every 8 minutes), but did not stop the contractions. A shot of terbutaline finally did.

I was eventually sent home by my doctor with instructions that I would be home from work "until further notice" This is totally bittersweet for me. Work has been very hard for me lately. I am exhausted and my body is screaming for me to slow down, but the work load continues to stay the same. I NEED a break, but financially this could be very rough on us. I'm very greatful that we've saved some money for this, but I really wasn't counting on using that money. UGH...

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