Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lab dream/patient prayer

I had the weirdest dream last night. When I receive a lab test result on a patient, things that you will notice on the results include
1) if a test result is abnormal it will be in bold print.
2) when I receive a lab test result on a patient, occasionally the lab will write "result checked" under the result so we know it was double checked...

so i dreamt that i got my own test results back (on my fluid levels). Nothing was highlighted or bolded as "abnormal" - and underneath one of the numbers, was clearly written "checked by god." That was a nice dream to wake up to

I called a patient today to set her up for more tests pre-op. When I finished talking to her she wanted to place my voice with a face from her appt the day before... I told her I was the last person she saw...

"Hunny, I don't know if I'm saying something inappropriate here or not, but I just want you to know that last night at church/adoration I prayed for you. I think pregnant women are a gift from God and just wanted to tell you that I prayed for you"

I burst into tears on the phone and thanked her for her kindness... that any and all prayers were VERY appreciated and accepted.

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