Sunday, June 27, 2010

30 week bump

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? going to have to shop up a size on the shirts soon... things are getting too short!
Stretch marks? my belly button still looks funny - still dont wanna call it a stretch mark though. Mark, on the other hand, is convinced I have stretch marks... guess I can't see them (eh, whatevvy)
Sleep: still sleeping well thanks to zantac. I get up almost exactly every hour and a half to pee which is annoying but workable
Movement: Granny S. & Aunt Kelly got to feel the girls move this week - I was so glad they were able to feel them move around... they weren't as cooperative a few weeks ago!
Food cravings: mozzerella cheese sticks are a fantastic way to get some extra cheese in! I'm really jonesing for some movie theater butter popcorn, but will wait til we get to see toy story 3 (not promising to share with anyone though)
Foods aversions: ice cream does not wanna stay down... If I weren't positive I was the mother of these babies I would be worried they weren't related to Grandpa L!
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: I'm gonna be spending a lot of the next few weeks on the couch... the babies don't like it when I stand up. I get contractions about every 8 minutes when I'm up on my feet
Preggo PITA symptom: the sweating! WOW!
Mood: the day after our hospital visit I was pretty down in the dumps. Cried EVERY time I got a contraction (which was about every 5 minutes)... I DON'T WANNA BE ON BED REST!
Arthritis severity: 3 - ouchy knees
What I miss: being able to help around the house. this place really looks awful
Fundal height: 35-37cm
BP this week: last check was weds... 128/80. not as good, but i was really anxious about the contractions in the doctors office so I'm sure that's why it was up
Milestones: 30 weeks!!!

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