Well... lost my MP this am...
contractions on monday were 5.5 minutes apart and were making me nauseated and taking my breath away, but I knew I was very dehydrated (again)
Doctor checked my cervix - I'm (barely) closed, 50% effaced and -2 station (much better than I thought... good)
BP was 140/90, recheck 128/88. Definately swollen...
My neck started hurting a few days ago and has become very severe. She gave the okay for tylenol only and asked that my rheumatologist please call her if I need something stronger. I'm just praying this is a pulled muscle and not one of my long standing episodes of severe pain... sadly though, it's keeping me from sleeping.
Apparently, I've been counting how pregnant I am based on our initial ultrasound - we were told my due date was 9/6. She has always said 9/8. I know when I ovulated and I know what I was told... 9/6 so I've been sticking with that... until now. I can only deliver at SJWS if I am 35 weeks or further along (so according to her measurements... AFTER next weds (8/4)
Just before I left the OB's office, she came over, gave me a hug and told me to stay in bed for the next week (until Thursday night)... and if I was still contracting and dilating next Friday, my babies would be born that day. "Bring a bag"
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
34 week bump
How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +5 more. Measurements on my belly went up a LOT
Maternity clothes? I probably should buy a tank top or something to put under the shorter tops...
Stretch marks? one. same one. getting darker and feels kinda hard
Sleep: getting worse. Hard to fall asleep due to reflux (have to be near sitting up), hard to stay asleep. Twice this week I threw up acid and woke up choking on it. Getting up to pee every 45 minutes to an hour and a half... I sleep the best between 6am-noon
Movement: I'm starting to feel LESS. Not because they are moving less, but my belly is going numb from all the stretching
Food cravings: not a craving, but pretzels with my water in the evening is helping prevent reflux
Food aversions:
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: did baby A drop or not? I could've sworn she did this past week... but then it felt like she crawled out. LOL - I dunno
Preggo PITA symptom: My "troll feet" per Mark. He just giggles... They are so swollen and can't really move my feet much any moore. Can't even reach them to get them clean. Ew, right?
Mood: Moody. Crabby some moments and sobbing others. VERY rough week. I'm very uncomfortable. The easiest way to set off my temper at this point is me (or mark) dropping something on the floor. It is SO HARD to pick things up
Arthritis severity: No change from last week. Swollen fingers, triggers...
What I miss: my ankles, fruit, ice cream
Fundal height: 43
BP this week: 120s/80s Seems to be holding steady
Milestones: 34 weeks!!! My babies can suck, swallow and breathe now and that's AWESOME! Next goal 35! (so we can deliver at westshore with my OB. I'd really like to make it to 36 weeks so I don't have to worry about either of the girls getting transferred to UH though)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Welcome to the world baby Caleb
My nephew Caleb was born today via c-section after Amanda was induced, and then labored without any progress for almost 24 hours.
He was 10# 4oz 21 in. Born at 4:33 pm
Caleb Michael is Mark's first godchild
He's the spitting image of Mike... at least from the pictures I have seen of him. Don't know what Amanda looked like as a baby...
(Pictures are from the next day, when we visited)
Monday, July 19, 2010
33 week bump
How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 6 pounds this week?! my swelling started and hasn't gone away in the last week. I'm assuming most of the gain has been fluid related and honestly am a little worried about it... will report this to my OB this week
Maternity clothes? Had to buy a few size-up tops this week. Honestly, I don't think they're going to cover the belly very long either! UGH!
Stretch marks? no change
Sleep: no change
Movement: My darling baby A got hiccups this week too. So glad my girls are sharing the adorable-ness :)
Food cravings: ramen noodles (but planning to cut them out for the sake of the swelling problem)
Food aversions: its not really an aversion, but I'm dying for a piece of fruit... something that won't give me heartburn - so actually... none will have to do :*(
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: contractions are status quo. no pain. good days and bad days
Mood: tearful week. Mark has been very supportive. Usually just his listening to me and a strong hug is all i need to calm me down
Arthritis severity: My hands aren't puffy, but the joints on a few of my fingers are so large I've stopped being able to wear my wedding rings. I have two trigger fingers that are quite painful - 7 (I only give them a 7 because they could be WORSE). Injections probably to come in the next 2 weeks...
What I miss: my ankles, fruit, ice cream
Fundal height: 40
BP this week: 120s/80s-90 Watching this VERY closely
Milestones: 33 weeks!!! Next goal 34! (really wanna make it to 35/36 though)
Other Mom helped me shop yesterday - we went to Target, Costco, and motherhood maternity and I spent a LOT. I wont have to go back for awhile though, so am pretty happy about that. SOOO greatful for her help!
Monday, July 12, 2010
32 week bump
How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds - ugh! I'm actually right on track with twin weight gain - and my arms and face seem a little skinnier than pre-pregnancy, but still, 30 pounds is a lot to lug around!
Maternity clothes? haven't gone shopping... just doing laundry more frequently. call me lazy. call me cheap. (its really just tired)
Stretch marks? yup... lower ones. Can't see them in a photo, but with a strong mirror, there's no denying it anymore
Sleep: no change
Movement: OMG, Tuesday night I laid down in bed next to Mark and felt rhythmic movement on my right side. Baby B had hiccups!!! It was the most adorable feeling in the world. Mark got to feel her (but of course made me look up in-utero hiccups on my phone to be sure that was really even possible first). We even pulled out the doppler and you could HEAR the hiccups (and a normal heartbeat) on the monitor. SO CUTE!!!
Food cravings: I've been starving this week! (hence the weight gain)
Food aversions: I'm done with ice cream until the pregnancy is over... zantac doesn't prevent it from coming back up. bummer :(
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: had contractions every 6 minutes on weds. night. I doubt I'm gonna get to go back to work. They finally let up after a long night's sleep, but also not until after I drank 2 LITERS of water... oi!
Preggo PITA symptom: contractions are getting old... and actually are a little more painful lately
Mood: it was VERY hard saying goodbye to my dear sister and her kids last night. I hate that they live so far away
Arthritis severity: my hands are about a 5-6. knee pain severity varies
What I miss: I'm so SLOW at getting anything done
Fundal height: 39
BP this week: 117/70ish
Milestones: 32 weeks!!! Next goal 34!
Other Made huge progress this week on the house. Mark cleaned out the basement, Kristin emptied out the babies' room closet, and Mark and I spent most of the weekend working on the debris left in the office. The garbage man is going to HATE us tomorrow!!
Friday, July 9, 2010
OB appointment
-Still off of work. contractions are too frequent
-Will be doing my ?final 24 hour urine this week
-BP is great - 117/70s
-Platelets have dropped again - spoke with my rheumatologist... stopping my medication to see if it helps at all. She said it could be the meds, but I could just be having an autoimmune reaction also. Only way to find out would be to d/c my meds and recheck the levels. She can give me pain meds/joint injections if I need them in the meantime.
-cervix is closed
-she did another FFN test
-As of right now, I'm on the way to a c-section (baby B is transverse). She will schedule it 2 weeks before - I will be 38 weeks when she does it. It is so nice to know there's an end in sight...
-I start non-stress tests at the hospital next friday - to be done weekly until I deliver
-Will be doing my ?final 24 hour urine this week
-BP is great - 117/70s
-Platelets have dropped again - spoke with my rheumatologist... stopping my medication to see if it helps at all. She said it could be the meds, but I could just be having an autoimmune reaction also. Only way to find out would be to d/c my meds and recheck the levels. She can give me pain meds/joint injections if I need them in the meantime.
-cervix is closed
-she did another FFN test
-As of right now, I'm on the way to a c-section (baby B is transverse). She will schedule it 2 weeks before - I will be 38 weeks when she does it. It is so nice to know there's an end in sight...
-I start non-stress tests at the hospital next friday - to be done weekly until I deliver
Monday, July 5, 2010
31 week bump
How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 27.5 pounds
Maternity clothes? NEED to go shopping... NEED some energy first
Stretch marks? I think there's some lower ones. very light
Sleep: can't get enough.
Movement: God I love feeling those little feet. Nothing painful, but becoming very aware of how big they're getting!
Food cravings: really wanted popcorn this week... finally had some :)
Foods aversions: I tried tortellini today - wasn't very good... got nauseated even
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks have started to back off a little... but after an afternoon cleaning the walls of the pool, things kicked back up (wondering if I might be able to go back to work... the question is FOR how LONG?!) Planning to continue to monitor this...
Preggo PITA symptom: I'm having a hard time sitting and watching the world pass me by. Mark is doing so much to get this house ready and I feel like I'm doing nothing to contribute (besides making two babies... but STILL) I'm just very frustrated with my lack of energy, mobility, and helpfulness. Mark has been so sweet and kind and patient - and it means so much to me to have such a supportive and understanding husband.
Mood: Very crabby today. Some people's low maturity level and selfishness are STRONGLY getting on my nerves. I also HATE it when people don't listen to what their doctors tell them to do and do whatever they want. Just saying...
Arthritis severity: 5 - this is also contributing to my bad mood. My knees hurt and my fingers are starting to swell and get stuck. One of the bones in my left foot is also sore. Just annoying...
What I miss: energy
Fundal height: 37-39 (somewhere in there)
BP this week: 120s/80s i think
Milestones: 31 weeks!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
OB appointment
I also saw the OB today - it sounds like we will be seeing each other weekly now since my braxton hicks are still pretty frequent if I stand up and walk around
On a concerning note... my platelet count has dropped yet again and is quite low (let's just say that some of my patients would POSSIBLY require a platelet transfusion pre-op at my levels). I know it's from my arthritis medication... so the new question is - do we stop the medicine or do i risk needing a transfusion so i don't bleed out after delivery. OF COURSE as this all comes up, my pain level has increased... ugh. I think the other worry is my kidneys... if I stop the medicine is my protein level gonna jump and be an issue for my girls?
On a concerning note... my platelet count has dropped yet again and is quite low (let's just say that some of my patients would POSSIBLY require a platelet transfusion pre-op at my levels). I know it's from my arthritis medication... so the new question is - do we stop the medicine or do i risk needing a transfusion so i don't bleed out after delivery. OF COURSE as this all comes up, my pain level has increased... ugh. I think the other worry is my kidneys... if I stop the medicine is my protein level gonna jump and be an issue for my girls?
Friday, July 2, 2010
ultrasound update
Today we had another growth scan. This time it was a lot quicker and much less painful!
Baby A is 3 lb 11 oz. 56th percentile! She has plenty of fluid. Heartrate was about 130. She is head down on my left (hasn't really moved)
Baby B is 3 lb 14 oz. 62nd percentile! She also has plenty of fluid. Heartrate was about 146. She is transverse and right... starting to bring her head down - lying next to her sister.
Their heads were very close to each other - 4% growth discrepancy (LOVE that my girls are sharing!!!)
My cervix is closed and 3.5 cm long.
All very good things... The specialist asked if we had any questions
I told him I was in the hospital last week with frequent braxton hicks contractions and wondered if I had anything to be concerned about. He smiled and responded "world peace"
Baby A is 3 lb 11 oz. 56th percentile! She has plenty of fluid. Heartrate was about 130. She is head down on my left (hasn't really moved)
Baby B is 3 lb 14 oz. 62nd percentile! She also has plenty of fluid. Heartrate was about 146. She is transverse and right... starting to bring her head down - lying next to her sister.
Their heads were very close to each other - 4% growth discrepancy (LOVE that my girls are sharing!!!)
My cervix is closed and 3.5 cm long.
All very good things... The specialist asked if we had any questions
I told him I was in the hospital last week with frequent braxton hicks contractions and wondered if I had anything to be concerned about. He smiled and responded "world peace"
Sunday, June 27, 2010
30 week bump
How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: about 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? going to have to shop up a size on the shirts soon... things are getting too short!
Stretch marks? my belly button still looks funny - still dont wanna call it a stretch mark though. Mark, on the other hand, is convinced I have stretch marks... guess I can't see them (eh, whatevvy)
Sleep: still sleeping well thanks to zantac. I get up almost exactly every hour and a half to pee which is annoying but workable
Movement: Granny S. & Aunt Kelly got to feel the girls move this week - I was so glad they were able to feel them move around... they weren't as cooperative a few weeks ago!
Food cravings: mozzerella cheese sticks are a fantastic way to get some extra cheese in! I'm really jonesing for some movie theater butter popcorn, but will wait til we get to see toy story 3 (not promising to share with anyone though)
Foods aversions: ice cream does not wanna stay down... If I weren't positive I was the mother of these babies I would be worried they weren't related to Grandpa L!
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: I'm gonna be spending a lot of the next few weeks on the couch... the babies don't like it when I stand up. I get contractions about every 8 minutes when I'm up on my feet
Preggo PITA symptom: the sweating! WOW!
Mood: the day after our hospital visit I was pretty down in the dumps. Cried EVERY time I got a contraction (which was about every 5 minutes)... I DON'T WANNA BE ON BED REST!
Arthritis severity: 3 - ouchy knees
What I miss: being able to help around the house. this place really looks awful
Fundal height: 35-37cm
BP this week: last check was weds... 128/80. not as good, but i was really anxious about the contractions in the doctors office so I'm sure that's why it was up
Milestones: 30 weeks!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010

Today was Nick and Heather's wedding. We were only able to go to the reception because Mark worked today and I am still contracting a LOT. I sat through the reception so Mark could hang out and enjoy his friends. We still had a really great time. Even tried to dance 1 song... I could only do about half... how sad.
Mark & I
Trish & I
Frank, Chris, Vito, Keith, Kevin, Mark & Nick
Mark, Phil, Frank, Nick, John, Vito, Nick (Back: Kevin, Keith, Chris)
Trish & Vito (along with some MATURE person's beer)
Nick & Mark
The brothers Oriti with the groom
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
First trip to the hospital
Last night I went to bed with contractions every 14 minutes. After drinking lots of fluids, I gave up and went to sleep hoping for improvement in the morning. When I woke up, they were every 10 minutes. Standing to shower increased them to every 5 minutes. After 2 hours of contractions every 5-8 minutes, I called the OB and she asked me to come in right away.
She checked my cervix which was closed, did an FFN test, and sent me over to the hospital so they could monitor both babies and my contractions. By the time I got hooked up to the monitor in the hospital, the nurse said my contractions were every 3-4 minutes.
IV fluids were very helpful to slow the contractions (to every 8 minutes), but did not stop the contractions. A shot of terbutaline finally did.
I was eventually sent home by my doctor with instructions that I would be home from work "until further notice" This is totally bittersweet for me. Work has been very hard for me lately. I am exhausted and my body is screaming for me to slow down, but the work load continues to stay the same. I NEED a break, but financially this could be very rough on us. I'm very greatful that we've saved some money for this, but I really wasn't counting on using that money. UGH...
She checked my cervix which was closed, did an FFN test, and sent me over to the hospital so they could monitor both babies and my contractions. By the time I got hooked up to the monitor in the hospital, the nurse said my contractions were every 3-4 minutes.
IV fluids were very helpful to slow the contractions (to every 8 minutes), but did not stop the contractions. A shot of terbutaline finally did.
I was eventually sent home by my doctor with instructions that I would be home from work "until further notice" This is totally bittersweet for me. Work has been very hard for me lately. I am exhausted and my body is screaming for me to slow down, but the work load continues to stay the same. I NEED a break, but financially this could be very rough on us. I'm very greatful that we've saved some money for this, but I really wasn't counting on using that money. UGH...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
29 week bump
How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: no change
Maternity clothes? had to buy a new set of maternity scrubs this week - the others were so tight they were hurting my belly! Cherokee makes a better, more twins friendly version of scrubs than Grey's Anatomy does Also got to buy a dress for my shower and the upcoming wedding we're going to
Stretch marks? on cocoa butter alert... nothing changed this week, but I'm getting burning sensations in certain areas... wondering if it's pending growth
Sleep: I love ZANTAC! I got 11 hours of sleep last night... was EXHAUSTED from the shower!
Movement: someone moved last night... I'm getting kicked in different places. If I'm ever wondering if either one of them is ok, I can gently press on my upper belly and feel one or both of them rolling around in there :) Very reassuring
Food cravings: cheese pleese!!!
Foods aversions: carnation instant breakfast helped for a few days, but the amount of abdominal discomfort the milk caused, led me to contract a bunch. ugh
Gender: 2 girls
Labor Signs: I had a better week this week. Saw the OB and in the waiting period I had 3 braxton hicks contractions... she checked my cervix and it was fine. Very good to hear
Preggo PITA symptom: my energy level has taken a NOSE DIVE this week
Mood: easily tearful this week... not wacky moods though
Arthritis severity: 1
What I miss: Normal temperature regulation... damn am I HOT!!!
Fundal height: 37 cm
BP this week: 116/68
Milestones: baby shower is done :) and was fantastic
OtherIt's Father's day! We got mark brown's tickets so he can go to a game sometime this fall to have his own day away :)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Baby shower!
Today was our baby shower! It was a gorgeous sunny 87 degree day and the shower was beautiful! Our moms did such a fantastic job planning the day.
Location: Mapleside farms restaurant
Food: salad(s) bar... chicken salad, make your own salad bar, waldorf apple salad, pasta salad, bread and sticky buns. Everything was delicious!
People: all 3 families! My mom said we had 59 guests... it seemed like more to me!
Aunt Sue and Uncle Larry came into town from Chicago and Stef came in from Pittsburgh! :)
Games: name the baby food, melted chocolate bar dirty diaper game, name the famous twins game, and baby gift bingo - everyone seemed to have fun
GREAT ideas:
Diaper cakes. Our moms and sister(s) made us 10 diaper cakes - one for each table's center piece - out of 4 huge boxes of size 1 diapers (total 1000 diapers!)
Favors were chocolate bars:
Cake (mmmmmmmmm.... frosting was sooooooooooo good! and she did a beautiful job!):
On our invitation, there was a note that if you brought diapers you could be entered to win an additional prize... we got an additional 1000 diapers from that!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Relief is spelled
a HUGE thanks to my OB for giving me the okay to take this. I'm not waking up throwing up from reflux!!!
a HUGE thanks to my OB for giving me the okay to take this. I'm not waking up throwing up from reflux!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
28 week bump
How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? some of my shirts are too short. ugh
Stretch marks? Mark pointed out a stretch mark below my belly button today... I haven't looked at it yet... can't bear to check
Sleep: good days and bad days. I'm up frequently but fall right back asleep. I noticed I haven't slept in in weeks... I can't!
Movement: boy are they getting strong! My girls are more subtle movers... they kick occasionally, but they seem to roll and move about more subtly otherwise
Food cravings: cheese!!!
Foods aversions: tolerating chocolate better, and ice cream... just in small amounts. We are starting carnation instant breakfast this week because my 1 cup of cereal and banana breakfast is getting to be TOO big to fit in my stomach
Gender: 2 girls - confirmed again by ultrasound
Labor Signs: Thursday I left work due to frequent contractions. They started out every 5 minutes, but let up after I peed, but still continued every 20 minutes. After 2 hours of that, I knew I needed to lay down and drink some water, but couldn't if I was working. I went home and spent the day on the couch drinking water and counting contractions (every 12-32 minutes for another 6 hours) Finally I called the OB's office and they said to call back if there were more than 4/hour. I should "expect to have an irritable uterus" since there are twins in there and expect it to get worse... WORSE?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK LIKE THIS!!!?!!!
Preggo PITA symptom: back pain at the end of my work day. I can make it about 6 hours and then it gets severe quickly
Mood: Pregnancy seems to be agreeing with me. Can't really complain too much
Arthritis severity: 1
What I miss: taking care of my pool. I hate bossing mark around about chemicals and such
Fundal height: 35 cm
BP this week: 116/66 - wow!
Milestones: 28 weeks - we were told that at this point, my babies have a 90% chance of survival outside the womb at this time - what a huge relief... I still want my take-home babies... 9 weeks to go til my goal date -
37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? some of my shirts are too short. ugh
Stretch marks? Mark pointed out a stretch mark below my belly button today... I haven't looked at it yet... can't bear to check
Sleep: good days and bad days. I'm up frequently but fall right back asleep. I noticed I haven't slept in in weeks... I can't!
Movement: boy are they getting strong! My girls are more subtle movers... they kick occasionally, but they seem to roll and move about more subtly otherwise
Food cravings: cheese!!!
Foods aversions: tolerating chocolate better, and ice cream... just in small amounts. We are starting carnation instant breakfast this week because my 1 cup of cereal and banana breakfast is getting to be TOO big to fit in my stomach
Gender: 2 girls - confirmed again by ultrasound
Labor Signs: Thursday I left work due to frequent contractions. They started out every 5 minutes, but let up after I peed, but still continued every 20 minutes. After 2 hours of that, I knew I needed to lay down and drink some water, but couldn't if I was working. I went home and spent the day on the couch drinking water and counting contractions (every 12-32 minutes for another 6 hours) Finally I called the OB's office and they said to call back if there were more than 4/hour. I should "expect to have an irritable uterus" since there are twins in there and expect it to get worse... WORSE?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK LIKE THIS!!!?!!!
Preggo PITA symptom: back pain at the end of my work day. I can make it about 6 hours and then it gets severe quickly
Mood: Pregnancy seems to be agreeing with me. Can't really complain too much
Arthritis severity: 1
What I miss: taking care of my pool. I hate bossing mark around about chemicals and such
Fundal height: 35 cm
BP this week: 116/66 - wow!
Milestones: 28 weeks - we were told that at this point, my babies have a 90% chance of survival outside the womb at this time - what a huge relief... I still want my take-home babies... 9 weeks to go til my goal date -
37 weeks
Friday, June 11, 2010
special ultrasound update
Today was our fluid-specific ultrasound. Baby B still has more fluid, but it's evened out a little more... more like 4cm and 6cm. The maternal fetal medicine specialist came in, quickly viewed their fluid levels, found a large pocked of fluid lying to the side of baby A and proclaimed that they both had plenty of fluid. Sounds good to me. Next ultrasound in 3 weeks...!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Lab dream/patient prayer
I had the weirdest dream last night. When I receive a lab test result on a patient, things that you will notice on the results include
1) if a test result is abnormal it will be in bold print.
2) when I receive a lab test result on a patient, occasionally the lab will write "result checked" under the result so we know it was double checked...
so i dreamt that i got my own test results back (on my fluid levels). Nothing was highlighted or bolded as "abnormal" - and underneath one of the numbers, was clearly written "checked by god." That was a nice dream to wake up to
I called a patient today to set her up for more tests pre-op. When I finished talking to her she wanted to place my voice with a face from her appt the day before... I told her I was the last person she saw...
"Hunny, I don't know if I'm saying something inappropriate here or not, but I just want you to know that last night at church/adoration I prayed for you. I think pregnant women are a gift from God and just wanted to tell you that I prayed for you"
I burst into tears on the phone and thanked her for her kindness... that any and all prayers were VERY appreciated and accepted.
1) if a test result is abnormal it will be in bold print.
2) when I receive a lab test result on a patient, occasionally the lab will write "result checked" under the result so we know it was double checked...
so i dreamt that i got my own test results back (on my fluid levels). Nothing was highlighted or bolded as "abnormal" - and underneath one of the numbers, was clearly written "checked by god." That was a nice dream to wake up to
I called a patient today to set her up for more tests pre-op. When I finished talking to her she wanted to place my voice with a face from her appt the day before... I told her I was the last person she saw...
"Hunny, I don't know if I'm saying something inappropriate here or not, but I just want you to know that last night at church/adoration I prayed for you. I think pregnant women are a gift from God and just wanted to tell you that I prayed for you"
I burst into tears on the phone and thanked her for her kindness... that any and all prayers were VERY appreciated and accepted.
Monday, June 7, 2010
27 week bump
How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 24 pounds
Stretch marks? just started using cocoa butter... belly button looks funny around it... not calling it a "stretch mark" yet
Sleep: good days and bad days - bad days from acid reflux or diarrhea
Movement: baby A is definately more "awake" in the morning... baby B is my after dinner girl
Food cravings: still loving cheese, but curious/scared that its causing some severe GI upset/diarrhea again... lactose intolerant again? (PLEASE NO)
Foods aversions: anything that gives me severe heartburn
Gender: 2 girls - confirmed again by ultrasound
Labor Signs: belly is continuing to get and stay hard - usually related to GI upset, exhaustion, or having to pee. It's quite uncomfortable
Preggo PITA symptom: my back is starting to hurt...
Mood: okay. i cry easily. my dear goddaughter alyssa made her first communion this weekend. I spent a good 15 minutes sobbing over her pictures... wanting to be there to celebrate with her
Arthritis severity: overall 2 - except 3rd trigger finger on the right hand has been reacting to cheesy popcorn (salt). getting hard to bend
What I miss: the more uncomfortable I get, the more anxious I'm getting to meet these girls :)
Fundal height: 34 cm
BP this week: 116/70
Milestones: 27 weeks - THIRD TRIMESTER!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Growth scan update
Today I am 26w4d pregnant. Babies looked great:
Baby A is measuring 2lb 3 oz and in the 55th percentile - she is vertex (head down and 2 my left)
Baby B is measuring 2 lb 6 oz and in the 64th percentile - she is in a weird position - breech/transverse... butt in baby A's face
Cervix is 4 cm and closed.
We had one problem show up on the ultrasound - Baby A has a little over 3 cm of amniotic fluid and Baby B was showing to have approx. 7.5cm. Since their growth discrepancy is only 7%, they told us to come back in 1 week for a recheck of fluid.
I came home from our ultrasound and googled every little bit of info I could on TTTS (twin-twin transfusion syndrome). First good news is, we DONT have it. Definition of stage I is <2cm and >8cm for the other and of course stage V is the worst possible scenario. This is going to be a long week of waiting and praying... will spend much of it on my Left side...
Baby A is measuring 2lb 3 oz and in the 55th percentile - she is vertex (head down and 2 my left)
Baby B is measuring 2 lb 6 oz and in the 64th percentile - she is in a weird position - breech/transverse... butt in baby A's face
Cervix is 4 cm and closed.
We had one problem show up on the ultrasound - Baby A has a little over 3 cm of amniotic fluid and Baby B was showing to have approx. 7.5cm. Since their growth discrepancy is only 7%, they told us to come back in 1 week for a recheck of fluid.
I came home from our ultrasound and googled every little bit of info I could on TTTS (twin-twin transfusion syndrome). First good news is, we DONT have it. Definition of stage I is <2cm and >8cm for the other and of course stage V is the worst possible scenario. This is going to be a long week of waiting and praying... will spend much of it on my Left side...
Sunday, May 30, 2010
26 week bump
excuse how i look here... I spent the entire 80+ humid degree day scrubbing the house
How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +1-2
Maternity clothes? got my tankini this week - and a bunch of new shirts.
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: Last night was ROUGH. I must've had acid reflux and choked on it in my sleep - i stumbled out of bed (ouchy on the knees) hacking and gasping on acid... ran over to the sink to spit it out, started brushing my teeth and the taste of the acid over-took me and I threw up everything from earlier that day... multiple times (it was 2 am... that food would've been digested and gone if I wasn't pregnant)
Movement: seems to be stronger. Occasionally if I haven't felt anything for awhile... I make sure to thank them for kicking me. Baby A (lower baby?) seems to be more active when I'm working and with patients. Baby B (upper baby?) is very active in the evening.
Food cravings: cheesy popcorn
Foods aversions: anything that adds to the reflux
Gender: LOVE my two little girls
Labor Signs: nothing new
Preggo PITA symptom: I get full so FAST now and then start with the reflux... I can't get enough in! Wondering when I'm gonna have to switch to protein/calorie drinks
Mood: Had a bunch of tearful moments this week, but otherwise pretty good. I got the entire house cleaned today (windows, floors, dusting, everything!)
Arthritis severity: overall 2. Had another angry trigger the other day, but nothing I couldn't work around
What I miss: eating whatever I want! I thought pregnancy was the time to indulge! I can't fit anything in there!!!
Fundal height: 34 cm
BP this week: 116/66 and 128/78
Milestones: getting bigger and stronger... next goal is 28 weeks
No news on the glucose test - must've passed :o) thank goodness
Talked to the specialist's nurse about my 24 hour urine. My kidneys ARE working harder... which she said we should expect, but my results are NOT critical and we should expect to do our next test around 31-32 weeks. I really like hearing explanations like that better than "it was normal"
Mark started painting the babies' room today - pink :) it looks GREAT
Sunday, May 23, 2010
25 week bump
How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 21 pounds... actually having trouble gaining (!!!)
Maternity clothes? need more shirts... running out of options. And my scrub top is definately getting tighter
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: Mark installed the bedroom A/C last night - I slept FANTASTICALLY well! (I'm up every 1-3 hours to pee... but no problems falling back asleep) Something I haven't noted is how bad my snoring must be (per mark)... I have to wear breathe-right strips to bed every night (with relief though)
Movement: last night mark and I got to watch them do the "wave" across my belly. I was also able to feel limb movement by carefully pressing on my upper mid-belly... I know this sounds dumb, but its becoming more and more real - THERE'S an actual BABY (x2) in there!!!! Movement seems to be located most near the left and upper/mid belly. they rarely spend time in my right lower belly... I believe they (still) both share my upper left belly (where my stomach is)... I'm getting full quicker, feeling nauseated if I eat too much, and having problems with severe reflux of stomach contents. (hmmmm... WONDER WHY?!)
Food cravings: garlic... mmmmm(garlic flavored bread, garlic butter, garlic noodles...)
Foods aversions: adding chipotle burritos to the previous list... caused severe... very uncomfortable reflux and heartburn for about 8 hours after eating it
Gender: 2 princesses
Labor Signs: nothing new
Preggo PITA symptom: heartburn, reflux, and exhaustion (same... learning to deal)
Mood: improved from last week. I cried in the OB's office on Wednesday because she said I only grew 1 cm in the last 4 weeks (I measured when I got home - completely wrong. my fundus is very deep and hard to measure) I got upset with Mark on Friday about something and then felt so guilty about it I spend an hour crying... finally just decided to go to bed at 8 because I knew my mood wasn't going to improve without sleep. It worked. The effectiveness of sleep on my mood has been INCREDIBLE - what the heck am i gonna do when they get here?!
Arthritis severity: Last night my knees were circling an 8 or 9... getting up off the couch/toilet was painful enough that I tried to avoid it when possible. Back to a 3 today. Hands have been pretty good - thank GOD!
What I miss: Today - nothing. Although a lot of my blogging has been complaining about my symptoms and such, I LOVE being pregnant. I LOVE knowing that I have two precious beautiful little girls coming to join us. I LOVE having them so close to me and with me all the time. I couldn't be anymore overjoyed with the blessings God has given us
Fundal height: doc estimates 27 (rolls eyes at OB... if it was that short than baby B isn't even in my uterus... she's in my intestines... there's no way she can kick that high!) According to my measurements, I'm around 33 - again the top of my uterus is deep and hard to measure unless I'm having a contraction
BP this week: 122/80
Milestones: another week bigger and stronger. My babies better be sharing in there! (I talk to God about this frequently in my prayers... "please let my babies share their nutrients and grow equally"
Did my glucose tolerance test this week... results pending! (cross your fingers!)
Finishing my 2nd trimester 24-hour urine today.
Shower invites are out. Much of the registry is put together and people are buying stuff!!! (trying hard not to lurk too much). I also wanna note how much FUN we've had picking out EVERYTHING for these babies.
Cribs are here! I cried yesterday when we picked them up. This is seriously getting to be sooo real!
Mark is currently working on removing the Gawd-awful wallpaper border from their room and hopefully we'll start priming today (and by "we"... probably just him... unless he lets me help). My current jobs are laundry and working on the transformation of my prior "exercise room" into the new office.
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